This easy LEFTOVER TURKEY HOTPOT Recipe. Step-by-Step. is perfect for busy families. Comes together quickly with a few staple ingredients!



leftover turkey meat leftover prepared stuffing (I used Sage and onion) leftover gravy potato salt & pepper butter


Butter a casserole dish. Peel and slice potatoes. Pull turkey apart into BIG bite size pieces. Layer up potatoes, turkey, and lumps of stuffing, (in that order), putting a tiny knob of butter and a scant sprinkling of S& P onto the potatoes with each layer. Save a layer of potatoes for the top. Pour gravy (possibly thinned down a bit) over all, until it only just covers, and then add the reserved layer of potatoes. Put a knob of butter and some S& P onto each potato. Cover casserole with foil (or a lid) and bake in a low oven for about an hour (longer if you have done a large hotpot)- make sure the potatoes are cooked by inserting a knife to see if they are tender. Serve with cabbage, brussels sprouts, carrots- whatever veg you like, and, for the piggies amongst us, some crusty bread.

by: JayBee

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